Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Open arms
Monday, September 12, 2011
one week
Day 1 - Saturday --> Texas has some stupid rules. The story: I had to get fingerprinted for my new job. A set had to be given to my company and a set had to be given to the State Dept. of Education. Well, they gave me the option of doing it electronically inside the state of Texas or they could mail me a kit. At this point, we still had a month to go in Mississippi, so I figured the mailing was the best bet. BONK. wrong answer. I never received the kit in the mail and a week before we moved I called and had to set up a time to get it done electronically once we got there. I say I called. I did call - 27 times - but they NEVER answered. And 27 is not an exaggerated number. So I had to do it online. Apparently everyone and their mother who lives in Texas likes to get fingerprinted because there was only one time slot open on Saturday and it was in Houston at 1:40pm. Therefore, we had to LEAVE at 630am to get there on time. Not to mention the fact that we had to drive through a Tropical Storm the entire way. SOOO, we get there right on time after almost getting blown off the face of the earth and Tanner has to walk Maverick around a parking lot while I go inside. Turns out - they would only do one set because I only had one appointment. And something about she couldn't type in the code that was on the piece of paper I handed her. Sheesh. Let me get there at your computer and I'll type in the stinkin code! (I was not a happy camper, might I add) But, I kept my emotional breakdown to myself and
Day 2 - Sunday --> First Baptist Church Bryan, Texas has some amazing people. We really already knew this, but Sunday was just amazing. We were overwhelmed at the opening of hearts and homes to us. A sub-lesson under this one is Everyone needs a MeMe. This lady at church, known as MeMe (she says she used to have another name, but has forgotten it), immediately (in the welcome line after the service) invited us over for ice cream Sunday afternoon. Of course, my husband cannot pass up an opportunity for ice cream! While there, we had a wonderful visit getting to know a little about her and she offered to be our grandmother away from home. I had to fight back the tears. She reminded me so much of my great aunt whom I was named after and miss so much.
Day 3 - Monday --> Bryan has really good parks. It's apparently a rule here in town that for every new neighborhood, or few blocks, or something like that, they have to put in a public park. Best rule ever. (Ok, so maybe not all Texas rules are stupid) They all have a walking track, playground and splash pad! Since we both had the day off, we went and found a pretty large park and walked Maverick around and swung on the swingset. Not kidding. =)
Day 4 - Tuesday --> I'm not good at new jobs. I am not the outgoing personality that is good and starting a new job and automatically feeling plugged in and comfortable. I like having a history there and knowing everyone and everyone knowing me. Or at least having SOMEONE i know to ask stupid questions like Where's the bathroom? or What in the world am I doing here?
Day 5 - Wednesday --> I take my GPS for granted. Our phones had been all out of whack here since our carrier is a regional company (Cellular South) and had NO service whatsoever. Well, this was the first time I drove straight from work back home. Should be easy enough to backtrack, right? ummm, not when you are new to town and directionally challenged! Duh, Emily. Our phones are our GPS and it just so happened that mine had no service when I took the wrong turn - all 4 of them. But I eventually found my way back home =)
Day 6 - Thursday --> apparently my brain died on this day because I remember nothing
Day 7 - Friday --> I started functioning again and learned that the food options are overwhelming. Tanner's parents came in town to visit and trying to decide where to eat was so nervewracking! We had eaten at someone's house every night so far so we hadn't had a chance to try any of the restaurants. Looking at the map of options I just couldn't handle it. We chose a Barbeque place called Rudy's. Good choice. Definitely had the college town feel to it and made me miss those days (sort of).
All in all, it's been a good first week. Even though I am terribly homesick, I am looking forward to what the weeks ahead hold for us.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Blessings and cryfest
I am writing this from my new blogger app on my phone since my husband took the computer and internet router...so...sorry for random spellings and typos. I will try to correct them but im sure I will eventually give up and just leave you to decipher. If you are someone I text frequently you are used to it already :)
I am sitting in our house by myself with no tv and no internet and no dog. I should be incredibly happy because our realtor and future tenants just left after signing a one year lease for our home! Again, God's perfect timing as Tanner left ten minutes ago for Texas and I leave saturday. Everything has just gone so smoothly and it is just overwhelming to think about how all of the details have been meticulously ironed out for us. However, right now, what is more overwhelming for me is the sadness. (and the aggitation at my phone). Our first year of marriage was spent in this home. I know it is just a house...a structure that wasnt even built by us. But it was a home for us.. Our first one. And there are so many memories here. We will never have another movie night with a pallet on the floor or game night with hot tea and settlers. Yes we can have all that in our new house but will it be the same? The silence and loneliness is overpowering. And my family is still just ten minutes away. What will it be like when they are eight hours away. .? In just one week this will be the case. I am constantly praying for peace and comfort. I am always asking God to just let me keep in the tears for a few more minutes so I can get to seclusion before they all come pouring out. I put on a brave face but inside I am trembling with fear. There is no doubt that we are following God, so why the fear? I know it will get better with time and once we get there and settled my fears will ease. And I know it could be so much worse. I mean, we are only going 8 hourse...its not like we are leaving the country.But you dony know our family. (ok, maybe you do). If you dont...our family is amazing. I used to think they were normal but I realize now theu are an exception. We are extremely close-knit. For the past 12 years I have gone to visit my grandparents at least once a week. We have monthly birthday dinners to celebrate whoevers birthdays are that month. We sometimes just have random sunday lunches because there are no birthdays that month. And now I am leaving all of that. My grandparents arent getting younger...they arent going to be around much longer. My heart literally aches just thinking about leaving them. My family is my world. They are always there when we need something...and even when we dont. This week is going to be a killer. I know I cant do it alone. Please pray for us whenever you think to do so. Pray for Tanner as he travels this afternoon and again this weekend to come get me. Pray that his firsy week at work will go smoothly for him and the rest of the staff. Pray for us as a couple amd a family that we can grow closer during this time of transition and change. That we can learn to depend solely on one another and God. Everyone says its the best thing for a marriage to live away from family for a while. And while I believe them and am looking forward to the time we can grow even closer, I am still scared out of my mind. Please also pray for my licensure situation. I have to get state licensure from dept of health and dept of ed. So far they are both proving to be slow and tedious processes. I know God is in control amd he has shown us that multiple times in this process. He has provided us with so many blessings and we deserve none of them. I thankful that we serve a marvelous and caring God who wraps us in his love and peace during times of fear.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Love for Orphans
Above are some pictures from the orphanage the first day we got to visit. The outside areas were very run down and dilapidated. There are two orphanages in this one city and the one we were at - "Orphanage #2" is the one where the "bad kids" get sent and so it receive minimal care and funding. We got to spend some time with the younger girls there. They all share one bedroom with a bunch of toddler size beds and one community room right outside of it. As you can see from the picture, maybe, only one of the girls even resembles a toddler and she actually isn't one. I do not know how they sleep in those beds. The bedroom pictured is one of the older boys rooms. Once they hit a certain age they move into a dorm style room, only about 1/4 of the size of a dorm room.
One evening, we got to meet up with some girls who had aged out of the orphanage. They took us to this little town right on the Black Sea. We hiked up to the top of this "hill" following these ruins that date back to 100 A.D. Don't ask me what they are ruins of - haven't a clue. And apparently neither does anyone there.
No matter what they are from, the view was gorgeous! This is the Black Sea. How beautiful.
Since my wonderful husband was our photographer, he didn't make many shots; but we had to take one in front of this view!
The next day, we went to the donkey farm. Yes, the donkey farm. It was a wonderful day spent with the kids, eating, riding donkeys, making crafts and hiking - more hiking. No wonder these kids are so skinny. Notice, the older lady in the picture just standing on the cliff like it's no big deal - no 5,000 ft. drop there behind you or anything. And then there's me. glued to the side of the rock as far away from the edge as possible. In my defense, my shoes are old and have hardly any tread on them...
This poor little girl has the same hair as me. She was a precious thing who wasn't afraid of anything! And who obviously isn't fond of pictures. She was so cute - she would turn around and give me her hand to help me up the steep parts. ha. sad, i know.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Saturday was also a big day for us in another way...we had our first ever garage sale! It was not so fun to get ready for, but we had a great turnout. The proceeds are going to help pay for my ticket to Ukraine and thanks to the sale, we have about 1/3 of the cost down! My grandmother and mom gave us a ton of stuff, which made up for most of the profit, so I'm extremely thankful for them. My mom tends to keep things oh, for FOREVER, so it was a win-win situation for both us and my dad =) They have been cleaning out their house for a few months now and mom has been making a "garage sale pile." I'm pretty sure, in my dad's mind, it was a "throw away when she's not looking pile." Anyways, we are going to Ukraine at the end of May (the week after I get out of school/work) and I cannot wait! Tanner is going as "work" so all we have to pay for is my way. We will be spending the week in an orphanage, so I've already given fair warning to my parents and Tanner that my suitcase may or may not be moving on the way home due to a small child being smuggled home ;) Not really, but in all seriousness, I am already asking God to prepare my heart for the overwhelming sadness that I know is going to hit me when I have to leave there.
On another note, I have recently started my own business! I am a consultant for Arbonne International. If you aren't familiar with it, it's a Health and Wellness company that sales health products, such as energy tablets, protein shakes, immunity boosters, and all sorts of other stuff along with makeup, face products, etc. What I love about these products, though, is that they are all-natural, botanically-based and Vegan certified! If it doesn't grow from the ground, it's not put in the products. And, all products are clinically tested, dermatologist tested, ophthamologist tested if it goes in or around your eyes, and pediatrician tested if it's for kids. So far, the business is going great! I have learned this month, that God not only provides for us, but he rewards us. I started selling Arbonne at the end of February. Well, over Spring Break, we went to visit his parents in Texas. On the way home, in our 3-week old car...only brand new car I have ever owned, by the way....a car in front of us knocked over a construction barrel and it rolled in to the middle of the lane...OUR LANE...as we were going 65 mph on the interstate. Needless to say, our new car is not so new anymore. Thankfully, our premium on the insurance didn't go up, but we did have to pay our full deductible. Not fun. However, through Arbonne, the cost of the deductible will be paid for through my check from them...so we won't have to dip into our savings, which is wonderful! PLUS...we were a little late paying our tithe, thanks to the car mishap, but the day after we paid it...we received a check in the mail as a late wedding gift! AND I just got a call from my pharmacy saying that back in February, they had owed me some pills (didn't have enough to fill my prescription) and they have never been able to get them from their provider..so they are just going to refund me my money! Turns out, like two days after I got them filled, my doctor called and told me not to take them anyways because I didn't need them after all. So I was pretty upset over having to pay for them in the first place, but now, I get it all back!
I know this has been a bunch of rambling, but the main point of all of this is, God is awesome =)
Friday, February 11, 2011
New Creations
She has not even been here a week and already she has stolen the entire family's heart! How could she not with those chubby little cheeks! I cannot wait to spoil her rotten =) I am starting early by doing a painting for her nursery...
Jennifer, my sister-in-law, requested this pattern because it goes with her room. I'm also in the process of making a dress for her. Or should I say TRYING to make a dress for her. At the same time, I am learning how to sew...soooo she may or may not receive the dress...ha.
I've also been working on a TV cabinet (a once white kitchen hutch turned TV cabinet because it was the only thing in our house that the TV would fit on). I'm extremely excited about how it turned out. The inspiration for the finish was an end table that my mom gave us for Christmas.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Run Forrest Run!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Something Worth Celebrating
My aunt gave us an entire set of St. Jude ornaments so we used my old artificial tree and put it in the dining room (so it could be seen from the street) and made a St. Jude tree. The week before Christmas, we took a trip to Boston and had such a wonderful time. It was our first vacation together since the Honeymoon and we enjoyed making memories that will last us a lifetime. I surprised Tanner with Celtics tickets as his Christmas present and I think I got some points for that one =). I loved watching him during the game and seeing how much fun he was having.
We flew home on Christmas Eve and attended our first Christmas Eve service together. Even though he was “working,” I got to sit up in the booth with him so we could enjoy it together. After church we had Christmas with my family. Christmas day, we made a big breakfast, opened presents and headed to mom and dad’s for lunch. The next day we went to Jackson to meet up with his parents and aunts and uncles. It was wonderful getting to see them during the holidays! Tuesday, we drove to Texarkana and met back up with his parents at his grandmother’s house. This was the first time I had met her and I really enjoyed the time we got to spend there. The next day we drove further north (I think) to Hot Springs to see his other grandparents. We did a little touring of the actual hot springs and bath houses and spent the evening playing a new game we gave his parents. The scenery was beautiful and the company was heartwarming. Family means everything to me and I’m so blessed to have extended mine over the past few months.